Protect the Vote Pledge for Election Integrity

The Election Integrity Pledge

The Protect the Vote Pledge is a commitment by Elected Officials and Candidates to improve our laws and restore trust in our election system.


The Need for Election Integrity 

Election law in many states changed during the 2020 Election. These changes were partly due to the global pandemic and accommodate a surge of nearly two-thirds of eligible voters casting mail-in and non-traditional ballots, representing a seventy percent increase compared to the 2016 Election. The consequences of these drastic, highly irregular, deceitful, and radically motivated changes to our election law brought on a historic shattering of trust in our elections system.


Restoring Trust in our Electoral Process 

Restoring trust in our electoral process is the responsibility and constitutional duty of our elected leaders. Many politicians, however, favor the status quo and refuse to act. Perhaps this is because of the emotional or cultural sensitivities associated with the 2020 Election or perceived repercussions from a political party or donor elite. Meanwhile, radical politicians and activists are calling for the federal government's unconstitutional takeover of our elections, similar to what we saw in January 2022 in Congress. 

Working to strengthen our election system and implement the seven points within the following Protect the Vote Pledge to Election Integrity will help to make our elections easy to vote and impossible to cheat. Signing the pledge is a commitment to the American people to improve our laws and restore faith in our election system.




In America today, Elected Officials have no excuse to ignore voter protection policies. It’s time to make it easy to vote and impossible to cheat. The American people demand it and deserve it. 

Will you sign your name and pledge to:

1. Support and vote for measures that require government-issued photo voter identification to vote in person and state-issued voter identification for anyone casting an absentee ballot by mail. 

2. Support and vote for measures that ensure clean and accurate voter rolls

3. Support and vote for measures that eliminate mass mailing of unrequested ballots to voters

4. Support and vote to eliminate private money accepted by local governments from private individuals and third parties to conduct public elections. 

5. Support and vote for measures that do NOT allow ballots to be accepted after polls close on Election Day, except for members of the military serving overseas. 

6. Support and vote for measures that require MADE IN AMERICA voting machines and that ONLY American citizens should have the right to vote in American elections. 

7. Support and vote for measures that end the unsecured practice of mass ballot trafficking.

By signing this Pledge, you consent to the use of your name in connection with the advertising and promotion of the Pledge or America First Works.  Your signature grants America First Works, Inc., and its affiliated entities and licensees, a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual license to distribute and otherwise make use of your name, likeness, or image, in whole or in part, in any and all promotional or advertising material related to the Pledge or America First Works, Inc.